Original sin

One Great Controversy, One Gospel

By C.S. Lawrence

How does a correct understanding of sin relate to the great controversy between Christ and Satan, and ultimately the purpose of the Gospel?

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Original Sin -


By Bill Pinto

How do babies come into the world? Are they sinners because they were born of human parents or are they simply innocent probationers? The question of what sin is and whether human nature itself is sin lies at the heart of this issue. This book looks at the ramifications and contradictions inherent to the doctrine of original sin. It also highlights the hope that is to be gained through a true understanding of sin and human nature.

Sinlessness in Sinful Flesh

By C.S. Lawrence

The next part in C.S Lawrence’s series on Original Sin and the nature of man. An insightful and motivating study on victory over sin in human flesh.

Divine Identity & Divine Authority Inseparable

By C.S. Lawrence

C.S Lawrence explores the link between the truth about the Father and Son and the truth about the nature of man. He shows that to accept the true God, one must accept His true law.