True Conversion

Why Does God Permit Suffering?

By Bill Pinto

Why would a loving God allow sin to exist? Why is there pain and suffering? Why doesn’t God intervene?

The Defender of God

By Bill Pinto

Marked with both tragedy and joy, the story of Job bears a timeless lesson for every Christian. Here, Bill Pinto unravels that lesson, and provides answers to the perplexing questions that arise. Why did God allow such a trial to take place? Was Job at fault? Who is the defender of God?

Behold the Serpent and Live

By Bill Pinto

What does it mean to be converted? How can I partake of Christ's life? The intriguing true story about a serpent of brass contains layers of lessons to answer these questions.​

With His Stripes

By Bill Pinto

An examination of the Old Testament Day of Atonement and what it means for God's people today. The book goes on to expose the false teaching once saved always saved', as well as answer the critical question: Which death did Christ die?